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Class Behavior Plan




A citizenship report will be sent home each week. 

Citizenship grades are:

1) Student consistently treats others with kindness and respect, and takes pride in class work and homework. Student follows school uniform requirements.

2) Student needs a few reminders each week to follow classroom rules, occasionally talks out of turn or turns in sloppy or incomplete work. Student occasionally comes to school out of uniform.

3) Student needs daily reminders to follow classroom rules, often talking out of turn or visiting with neighbors and/or puts very little effort into class work and/or homework. Student frequently comes to school out of uniform.

4) Student has difficulty following classroom rules, has trouble getting along with classmates, and puts minimum effort into class work and/or homework.  Student often comes to school out of uniform.


The most important rule for our class is that a student's words or actions should not cause a problem for anyone else.

These additional rules are posted in our classroom:    1) We listen to each other.  2) Hands are for helping not hurting.  3) We care about each other's feelings.  4) We are responsible for what we say and do.

Students may also be given demerits (written behavior notices) for extreme behaviors or frequent disruptive behaviors.  When a student receives five demerits, they will need to attend detention on a Friday (Thursdays - when Friday is a half day).  Any faculty member at our school may hand out a demerit.


Students earn their citizenship grade based on daily behavior in the classroom, special classes, cafeteria and playground. Students will be rewarded for group behavior. When everyone is on task and following classroom rules the class will earn a star. Stars will be accumulated and will earn the class a special reward or trip to the treasure box.



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